Controls: W A S D to move, left click and drag to turn

Music: Anime Japan Lo-Fi by Lucas Francini

A simple, very rushed game thrown together for Jess' fine Lisp Jam!

If you make it to the end, you can unlock the Scheme console and edit the game code while actually playing! Some functions to try when you make it:

(glow-red)     (glow-off)     (teleport (player) -128 40 -175)    (set! max-jump-force 2500)    (set! max-walk-speed 9500)     (create-portal -120 27 -175 -128 40 -175)     (spawn-platform "yellow" -130 25 -175)

And more! It's all completely editable if you experiment!

I sculpted the inkling in Blender for a "Splatoon in Lisp" project that I'm currently still developing.

Thanks for playing!


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needs keylock (keeps scrolling down while jumping)

Hahaha yeah sorry about that, I was already over the time limit. I'll update it with mouse and key lock later today. Hopefully fullscreen mode still worked out for you!